Divsha name means honey

Divsha name means honey

Local Origin of Name: Hebrew
From the name Divsha

Meaning: Honey

Emotional Spectrum • A storm of emotions in a calm exterior.
Personal Integrity • Friends know Divsha as a trusted acquaintance.
Personality • With courage and determination, she will go a long way.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Divsha.
Travel & Leisure • A unique hobby will occupy her time.
Career & Money • Handling a family and a job are easy for Divsha.
Life’s Opportunities • A good educational background is the key to her success.
” Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all. ”
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Nysa name mean beginning


Nysa name mean beginning
Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Nysa, Nyssa

Meaning: Beginning

Emotional Spectrum • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • Her reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Pleasant and polite, she always makes the grade.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Nysa.
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with her friends.
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Nysa.
Life’s Opportunities • Not one to rest on past accomplishments, she is always on the move.
” Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. ”
Created By Firstnamestore.com

Please advise us about name meaning also. sung@nydob.com

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Nestor name means one who departing or traveler

Nestor name means one who departing or traveler
Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Nestor

Meaning: One Who is departing

Emotional Spectrum • If you are looking for laughter, Nestor is your person!
Personal Integrity • No one would doubt his word.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Nestor.
Travel & Leisure • Relaxing is an art-form to him.
Career & Money • A career in investments would suit Nestor.
Life’s Opportunities • A person of direction, he plans out his life.

” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”

Created By Firstnamestore.com

Please advise us about name meaning also. sung@nydob.com

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Iakobos means supplanter in Greek


Iakobos means supplanter in Greek

Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the Hebrew name Jacob

Meaning: Supplanter -Genesis 25:26

Emotional Spectrum • Even on a winter day, he shines through!
Personal Integrity • His personal ethics are uncompromised!
Personality • Surprises won’t throw him for a loop.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Iakobos.
Travel & Leisure • Would enjoy train travel, but his impatience needs the airplane!
Career & Money • With the right education, Iakobos can write his own ticket.
Life’s Opportunities • Helping others enriches his life.
” Friendship is in loving rather than in being loved. ”
Created By Firstnamestore.com

Please advise us about name meaning also. sung@nydob.com

Tyce name means fiery or highly spirit


Local Origin of Name: English/French
From the name Tyce

Variant name of :  Thyssen, Tiesen, Ty, Tyce, Tycen, Tyeson

Meaning: Fiery / Highly spirit 

Emotional Spectrum • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • His reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Pleasant and polite, he always makes the grade.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Tyce.
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with his friends.
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Tyce.
Life’s Opportunities • Not one to rest on past accomplishments, he is always on the move.

” Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. ”
Created By Firstnamestore.com

Klaus name means victorious people


Local Origin of Name: German
From the Greek name Nicholas
Variant name of : Nicholas,Miklos,Mikołaj,Mikola,Mykola,Mikuláš

Meaning: ‘Victorious people’

Emotional Spectrum • You wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of Klaus.
Personal Integrity • His honor is well-known among his friends.
Personality • A person who enjoys the present.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Klaus.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • Should have been an actor!
Life’s Opportunities • Early childhood opportunities in education will benefit him.

” When the righteous triumph, there is great elation. ”

Created By Firstnamestore.com

Tyce name means fiery


Local Origin of Name: English/French
From the name Tyce

Meaning: Fiery

Emotional Spectrum • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • His reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Pleasant and polite, he always makes the grade.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Tyce.
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with his friends.
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Tyce.
Life’s Opportunities • Not one to rest on past accomplishments, he is always on the move.

” Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. ”
Created By Firstnamestore.com

Travis name means from the crossroads


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Old French name Travis

Meaning: ‘From the crossroads’

Emotional Spectrum • No frowns on this face!
Personal Integrity • Travis is the height of respectability.
Personality • Magnetic personality; has the power to attract.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Travis.
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces.
Career & Money • Leadership skills emerge early in Travis.
Life’s Opportunities • The entrepreneur spirit in him is strong.

” Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city. ”

Created By Firstnamestore.com

Roxane name means dawn in Greek


Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the Persian name Roxana, Roxanne

Meaning: ‘Dawn’

Emotional Spectrum • It’s more fun to be happy than sad is her credo.
Personal Integrity • The decency of Roxane is never questioned.
Personality • A laugh is worth a thousand groans.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Roxane.
Travel & Leisure • Summer sports are attractive to Roxane.
Career & Money • The right job for her is within her grasp.
Life’s Opportunities • Tried and true, but welcomes new innovations.
” The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life. ”

Created By Firstnamestore.com

LaRue name means the street or lived beside a road

LaRue is a French topographic name for someone who lived beside a road, track, or pathway.

Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Larue

Meaning: The Street or who lived by roads

Emotional Spectrum • He can put on a good show and rise to the occasion.
Personal Integrity • You would never make a mistake placing your faith in Larue.
Personality • Born to have fun.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Larue.
Travel & Leisure • Although he enjoys his home, far-away lands hold interest.
Career & Money • The example of parents plays a major role in career choice.
Life’s Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Larue.
” If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. ”
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