Nestor name means one who departing or traveler

Nestor name means one who departing or traveler
Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Nestor

Meaning: One Who is departing

Emotional Spectrum • If you are looking for laughter, Nestor is your person!
Personal Integrity • No one would doubt his word.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Nestor.
Travel & Leisure • Relaxing is an art-form to him.
Career & Money • A career in investments would suit Nestor.
Life’s Opportunities • A person of direction, he plans out his life.

” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”

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Isidore name means gift of Isis


Isidore name means gift of Isis

Local Origin of Name: English

From the Greek name Isidore

Meaning:    (Isidoros), ‘Gift of Isis’

Emotional Spectrum • Handles a crisis well, people seek her guidance.

Personal Integrity • She will tell the truth even when it hurts.

Personality • Mischief twinkles in her eyes.

Relationships • A few close friends are all she needs.

Travel & Leisure • Lives for the weekends!

Career & Money • A career in television would suit Isidore.

Life’s Opportunities • A survivor, she will always bounce back and be ready again!

”  When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”

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Yorgos name means farmer

Yorgos name means farmer

Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Yorgos
Variant name of : George, Igoros, Seorise, Jorge, Djuro, Durad, Yuri, Gerogia

Meaning: Farmer same as George

Emotional Spectrum • A human dynamo of emotions!
Personal Integrity • A trusted individual by everyone.
Personality • He collects the best things in life.
Relationships • When it comes to friends, only ‘true blue’ need apply.
Travel & Leisure • His job supports his hobby!
Career & Money • Handling a family and a job are easy for Yorgos.
Life’s Opportunities • With the support of many friends, he will go far.
” Sympathy is a golden key that unlocks the hearts of others. ”
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Kolton name means coal town


Local Origin of Name: German
From the name Kolton

Meaning: Coal town

Emotional Spectrum • A happier person you will never meet.
Personal Integrity • Fidelity is Kolton’s middle name.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • People like Kolton because of his personality.
Travel & Leisure • He will find it hard to wind-down on vacation.
Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Kolton.
Life’s Opportunities • The entrepreneur spirit in him is strong.
” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”
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Avis name means bird in Latin


Local Origin of Name: English/German/Latin
From the Latin name Avice/Aveza

Meaning:Bird / Battle

Emotional Spectrum • ‘Be Happy’, is the key emotion here.
Personal Integrity • The stuff that Presidents are made of…
Personality • Mischief twinkles in her eyes.
Relationships • Not an ‘open book’, it takes time to become her friend.
Travel & Leisure • A person who will try anything once!
Career & Money • A gifted child, Avis will need to be challenged constantly.
Life’s Opportunities • Open to suggestions, her innovative spirit will lead the way.
” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”

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Amaterasu name means shining over heaven


Local Origin of Name: Japanese
From the name Amaterasu

Meaning: Shinto Goddess. shining over heaven

Emotional Spectrum • Peaceful on the outside, yet churning emotions on the inside.
Personal Integrity • Her integrity is her most precious possession.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in her eyes.
Relationships • Her best friends may not really know her .
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • A born politician, a career in public service awaits!
Life’s Opportunities • Destined for greatness, nothing can hold back this gifted person.
” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”

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Zuwena name means good in African



Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Zuwena

Meaning: Good

Emotional Spectrum • ‘Be Happy’, is the key emotion here.
Personal Integrity • The stuff that Presidents are made of…
Personality • Mischief twinkles in her eyes.
Relationships • Not an ‘open book’, it takes time to become her friend.
Travel & Leisure • A person who will try anything once!
Career & Money • A gifted child, Zuwena will need to be challenged constantly.
Life’s Opportunities • Open to suggestions, her innovative spirit will lead the way.

” When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices. ”
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Olujimi name means god gave me this

Local Origin of Name: Nigerian
From the Nigerian name Olujimi

Meaning: ‘God gave me this’

Emotional Spectrum • ‘Be Happy’, is the key emotion here.
Personal Integrity • The decency of Olujimi is never questioned.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures him.
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Olujimi.
Life’s Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve him well.

Olujimi’s Lucky Numbers: 38 • 48 • 36 • 26 • 12 • 23

Aswath name means tree of Knowledge in India


Local Origin of Name: India/Hindu
From the name Aswath
First and last Name
Tree of Knowledge; This is the Tree Where Buddha
did Meditate and Gained Lot of Knowledge

Meaning: Tree of Knowledge

Emotional Spectrum • His eyes betray his soul.
Personal Integrity • His family taught him that honesty is his best asset.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than he receives.
Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Aswath.
Career & Money • His ability to handle money is well-known!
Life’s Opportunities • Early childhood opportunities in education will benefit him.
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Ashwat name means generation tree or banyan tree


Local Origin of Name: Ashwat
From the name Ashwat

Meaning: Generation Tree or Banyan Tree

Emotional Spectrum • His eyes betray his soul.
Personal Integrity • His family taught him that honesty is his best asset.
Personality • Mischief twinkles in his eyes.
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than he receives.
Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Ashwat.
Career & Money • His ability to handle money is well-known!
Life’s Opportunities • Early childhood opportunities in education will benefit him.

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