India or Hindu Girl’s popular name start S4


Name •  Meaning
Shruti A Musical Tone; Beautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All
Shruva Blessed
Shrvya Pure
Shubha Auspicious
Shubhi Good Luck
Shuchi Pure
Shuhul Kind
Shukar Gratitude; Prayers
Shukla Goddess Saraswati
Shukti Pearl-oyster
Shulka Goddess Saraswati
Shveni White
Shveta White
Shveti White; River
Shviti Whiteness
Shweta Bright; White
Shwiti Fairness
Shyama Dark as Cloud; Goddess Kali
Shyann Fighter
Shyeti White
Siaana Wise
Sibani Goddess Parvati
Siddha A Form of Devi
Siddhi Achievement; Memory; Mind
Siemta tell us about your name meaning
Sihaam Arrows
Sikata Sand
Sikhal Pinnacle
Siksha Teachings
Simmer Shine
Simona Listen; Female Version of Simon: Snub-nosed; Heard; Listening Intently; God has Heard-hears
Simone Heard; God has Heard; One who Hears; Listening Intently
Simoni Obedient
Simran Beautiful; Remembrance
Simrat Remembrance
Simrit Remembered
Sinaya Pretty
Sindhu Ocean; River
Sipika Cute Girl
Sirali tell us about your name meaning
Sirina Night; Named for the Sirens
Siriom The Great Sound of Infinity
Sisira Winter
Sitala Of Good Memory; Of Cold Disposition; Sand
Sitara A Star; Morning Star
Sitesh Wife of Lord Ram
Sivani Parvati
Siyona Graceful; Happy
Skanda Wife of Lord Shiva; Lord Karthik’s Name
Skriti Culture
Smaram Remembrance
Smarni Chanting
Smirti Remembrance; Desire; Wish; Understanding
Smital Always Smiling
Smitha Smiling; Blossomed
Smrati Memory
Smrita Remembered
Smriti Recollection
Smruti Memory
Snatam Universal
Snehaa Affection; Wife of Rishi Sandeep
Snehal Friendly
Snehil Love; Affection
Snehin tell us about your name meaning
Snesha Happy
Snetha tell us about your name meaning
Snigda Affectionate
Sochai By Thinking
Sohana Graceful
Sohani Beautiful; A Raga
Sohini Splendid; Adorned; Beautiful
Sojala Dawn
Sojara Daybreak
Solani Adornment
Somada Like a Moon
Somala tell us about your name meaning
Somali Beloved of the Moon
Somila Tranquil
Sonali Golden
Sonaya tell us about your name meaning
Sonhan Beautiful; Handsome
Sonica tell us about your name meaning
Sonika Golden
Sonila Golden
Sonita Young Sun
Soniya Gold; Clever
Soorat Beauty; Face
Sooria Blessed
Soorya Sun
Sopana Dream
Sophia Wisdom; Form of Sophie; Skill; Graceful
Soraya Sun; Star; Name of a Constellation; The Pleiades
Sorupa tell us about your name meaning
Soumya Handsome; Soft Nature
Sowkya Decent
Sowmea Moon
Sowmya Beauty; Calm
Sparsh Touch
Spriha Being Attached to the World
Sprihi Aspirant
Spruha Desire
Spurha Flower
Sradha Concentration
Sragvi Tulasi; Sacred Basil Plant
Srajal River Water
Sravya Melody
Sreeja The Jatika of Goddess Lakshmi
Sreema tell us about your name meaning
Sreena Born to Love
Sreeya Goddess Lakshmi
Sresta Best
Sresti Best
Sreyaa Auspicious; Goddess Lakshmi
Sridha Part of Goddess Laxmi
Srijla Beautiful
Srisha Flower
Sristi Creation
Sritha Goddess Lakshmi
Srivya tell us about your name meaning
Sriyaa Worthful; Lakshmi
Srushi Fish (in Chineese)
Srusti Creation
Sruthi Hearing; Knowledge of Vedas; Sources of Dharma; Music
Stefna Brilliant
Subali Very Strong; Powerful
Subela Subh Ghari
Subhra Radiant
Sucham Pure Goodness
Sudasi Good Servant
Suddha Clean; Pure; Holy
Suddhi Purification; Holiness; Truth
Sudena Lakshmi; A Real Goddess
Sudesh My Beautiful Country
Sudeva Divine Goddess
Sudevi Wife of Krishna
Sudhee Excellent Intelligence
Sudhra Placid
Sudipa Peace of Light
Suditi Brightest Flame
Sudnya Wise
Sugala tell us about your name meaning
Sughar Elegant; Virtuous
Sugita Beautifully Sung
Suguna Good Natured; Very Virtuous
Suguni With Good Qualities
Suhagi Lucky
Suhair Proper Name
Suhala Good Girl
Suhana Pleasant; Pure; Bright Ray of the Sun
Suhani Cheerful; Pleasant
Suhasa Smiley
Suhavi Like Your Heart
Suhela Easily Accessible
Suhina Beautiful
Suhita Beneficial; Suitable
Sujala Affectionate
Sujana tell us about your name meaning
Sujata Of Good Caste
Sujaya Victory
Sujita Great Conquerer
Sujith Nice Body
Sukhda One who Gives Solace
Sukrit Wise
Suksha Beautiful Eyes
Suksma Fine
Sukthi Shining
Sukula Born in a Noble Family
Sukuna Wise
Sulagg Blameless; Pure as Gold
Sulasa tell us about your name meaning
Sulbha Easily Available
Suleka Good Information
Sulekh Beautifully
Suloch One with Beautiful Eyes
Suloma With Beautiful Hair
Sumali tell us about your name meaning
Sumana Good Natured; Flower
Sumati Good Minded; Wisdom
Sumaya With Excellent Plans
Sumeha Intelligent
Sumeka Well Fixed
Sumira Much Remembered
Sumita A Good Friend
Summat Benevolent
Sumona Calm
Sunami Well Named
Sunari Virtuous Woman
Sunaya Very Just
Sundha A Character in Ramayana
Sundri Beautiful
Sunila Blue
Sunita Well-behaved; Polite; One with Good Morals; Gracious
Suniti Good Principles
Sunity Woman with Good Virtues
Suprit Loving
Suptha Hidden
Surabi tell us about your name meaning
Suraja Born of Gods

India or Hindu Girl’s popular name start S2


Name •  Meaning
Sihan Lion
Sijal Correct
Sikta Wet
Silky Sweet
Silpa Stone
Silva Woodland Maid; From the Forest; Wooded; Forest
Simar tell us about your name meaning
Simmi Cute Girl
Simna Sweety
Simpa Love from the Core of the Heart; Feeling Happy and Pride
Simra Heaven; Princess
Sinap Wisdom
Sindu Indian Sindoor; Kumkum
Sinja Jingle; God is Gracious
Siona Stars
Sipla tell us about your name meaning
Sipra Cool Girl
Sirat Good Manners
Sirin Rich; Victory Peace; Fair
Sitah Furrow
Sitar Musical Instrument
Sitta tell us about your name meaning
Sloka It’s is Like a Slokam in Any Language
Smahi Progress
Smaya Smile
Smera Smiley
Smija tell us about your name meaning
Smita Smiling
Smiti A Smile; Laughter; Happiness
Smran Remembrance; Meditation
Smrti Memory
Sneha Friendly; Affectionate; Wife of Rishi Sandeep
Snehi Loving; Dashing; Friendly
Snija Scent; Flower
Sobha Glorious; Virtuous; Splendour; Brilliance Beauty; Grace
Sofia Knowledge; Wisdom; Will; Wise Form of Sophia
Sohan Smart; Independent Woman
Sohni Beautiful
Sokki Moonlight
Solai Garden
Somna Moonlight
Somya Mild; Soft; Faith; Beautiful
Sonal Golden
Sonam Beautiful; Gold
Sonia Wisdom; Wise; Skill; Golden; Name which Brings Happines; Beautiful
Sonth Spring
Sonyl Lotus Stalk
Sooch Pure
Soora Hero
Sopan Steps
Souli Heart
Sowri Star
Sreya Excellent; Best; Beautiful; Excell
Srida Given by Lakshmi; Bestowing Fortune
Sriha tell us about your name meaning
Srija Who Creates
Srini Love
Sripu Flowers Devoted to God
Sriya Prosperity
Sruja Created
Sruti Hearing; Ear; Knowledge of the Vedas
Stava Praiser; Staff of the Gods
Stuti Praise
Stuvi Praiser; Worshipper
Subba Morning
Subbu Morning; Shubh
Subha Splendour; Beauty; Ornament; Decoration
Subhi Lucky
Suchi Radiant
Sudar Beautiful
Sudha Nectar
Sudhi Excellent Intelligence
Sugam Easy
Suggi Harvest
Suhag Love
Suhan Beautiful; Pleasant
Suhas Laughter
Sujal Pure Water; Sacred Water
Sukha Ease; Comfort
Sukhi At Peace; Happy
Sukti Shining; Bright
Sulha Kind
Sulka Goddess Sarasvati
Sulla Fortunate
Suman Beautiyful Flowers; Flower
Sunny Bright; Brilliant; Cheerful; Of the Sun; Filled with Sunlight; Shining
Supal Whiten; Peace
Supta Goddess Devi’s Another Name
Supti Sleep
Surit Good Knowledge
Surma Maskara
Surya Sun God; The Sun
Sushi Lord Parvati
Sutin Beautiful Lady
Sutra Holy Star
Suvra Wife of Rukmi
Suyya tell us about your name meaning
Svaha Wife of Fire God
Svana Sound
Svara Goddess of Sound
Sveta Luminescent; White; Bright Light; One of the 7 Tongues of Fire
Swaha Wife of Agni; The Lord of the Fire
Swara Tones; Musical Notes
Swati Name of the Brightest Star
Sweta As Pure as Milk; Fair Complexioned
Sweya tell us about your name meaning
Swity tell us about your name meaning
Syoni Smart
Saachi Truth
Saadri tell us about your name meaning
Saaheb Lord Master
Saanjh Evening
Saanvi Goddess Lakshmi
Saashi Moon
Sabari Vareigated; Belongingto the Sabara Tribe
Sabhya Mannered
Sabiha Beautiful; Graceful; Forenoon
Sabika tell us about your name meaning
Sabina Catlike; Form of Sabine; Of Ancient Italian Culture; Woman from the Sabine Tribe; Beautiful
Sabita Beautiful Sunshine
Sabria From Cyprus
Saburi Compassion
Sadeep Eternity
Sadesh Pearl
Sadhak Disciple; Practitioner
Sadhan Fulfilment
Sadhna Worship
Sadhri Conqueror
Sadhvi Virtuous Woman
Sadhwi Virtuous
Sadhya Perfection
Saeeda Priestly
Saesha With Great Desire and Wish
Safala Success
Safiya Untroubled; Serene; Pure; Best Friend; Clear-minded
Sagara Ocean
Sagari Of the Ocean
Saguna Possessed of Good Qualities
Sahaja Natural; Original; Innate
Sahala Smooth
Sahana A Raga; Patience
Saheli Friend
Sahiba The Lady
Sahika Correct
Sahila Guide
Sahima Snowed
Sahira Mountain; Natural
Sahita Being Near; A River
Sahith Well Thoughts for Others
Sahiti Literature
Sahjaa Patience
Sahura Strong; The Earth
Saijil tell us about your name meaning
Saikya Good
Sailee Name of Flower; Shadow of Lord Sai
Sairah Beautiful; One who Travels
Saisha God
Saiyan Lord
Sajala Clouds
Sajani Loving; Well Loved
Sajili Decorated
Sajini tell us about your name meaning
Sajjra New; Fresh
Sakala Complete
Saketa tell us about your name meaning
Sakhee Tranquility
Sakhya Friendship
Sakina Friend; Tranquillity Calm; Devout; God-inspired Peace of Mind; Peaceful; She was a Narrator of Hadith
Sakshi Justice; Witness
Sakthi Power; God
Sakula Loving; Well Loved
Sakura Beautiful Flower
Salena The Moon
Salila Water
Salima Happy; Safe; Healthy; Sound
Salini With a Fixed Abode; Settled
Saloni Beautiful
Samaae Reside; Pervade
Samaah Generosity
Samadu Daughter
Samaja Equal
Samali Bouquet
Samara Guarded; Watch Mountain; Result; Reward; Outlook; Seedling; Mountain Lookout; Guardian or Protected by God; Elm Seed
Samata Equality
Sambar Liquid
Sambha To Shine; Bright
Samiha Magnanimous; Wish; Desire
Samika Peaceful
Samina Happy
Samira A Chameli Flower; Pleasant Community; Evening Conversationalist; Friend of the Night; Gust of Wind; Cool Breeze; One who Reconciles; A Chame
Samisa tell us about your name meaning
Samita Collected
Samiya Incomparable; A Celestial Dancer
Sammaa tell us about your name meaning
Samran Remembering
Samrin tell us about your name meaning
Samrta Provided with Nectar