Meaning of the English family name Delmon is of the mountain

Meaning of the English family name Delmon is of the mountain

Meaning of the English family name Delmon is of the mountain

Meaning of the English family name Delmon is of the mountain

Emotional Spectrum • A swirl of conflicting emotions, Delmon, is a complicated person.
Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Delmon stands for truth and integrity.
Personality • All feel the effects of true courtesy.
Relationships • The romance department is key to his happiness.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures him.
Career & Money • Second only to his friends, his career is most important.
Life’s Opportunities • Nothing is impossible for Delmon, given the right educational tools.
Lucky Numbers: 8 • 41 • 42 • 51 • 11 • 5