Charee name meaning Darling

Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Charee

Meaning: Darling

Emotional Spectrum • You wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of Charee.
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Charee.
Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person.
Relationships • Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
Travel & Leisure • A unique hobby will occupy her time.
Career & Money • A career in law would suit Charee.
Life’s Opportunities • Her ambition will serve her well.
” God very often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow. ”
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Daudi name means beloved one in African

Local Origin of Name: African
From the Swahili name Daudi

Meaning: Beloved one

Emotional Spectrum • Under that exterior beats a free spirit!
Personal Integrity • An honest person, people search out Daudi for advice.
Personality • Patience and understanding are his greatest gifts.
Relationships • Take the initiative, be bold!
Travel & Leisure • Likes to share his adventures.
Career & Money • A career in law would suit Daudi.
Life’s Opportunities • Open to suggestions, his innovative spirit will lead the way.

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Abayomi name means she brings joy


Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Abayomi

Meaning: She brings Joy

Emotional Spectrum • An emotional bond with Abayomi is not taken lightly!
Personal Integrity • She will fight for her good name.
Personality • Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
Relationships • The life of the party, Abayomi feels comfortable in the spotlight.
Travel & Leisure • Eat, drink and be merry – play hard!
Career & Money • A career in law would suit Abayomi.
Life’s Opportunities • The right career is the key to financial success for her.
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Hamal name means lamb in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the Arabic name Hamal

Meaning: ‘Lamb’ Also a star in the constellation Aires

Emotional Spectrum • Under that exterior beats a free spirit!
Personal Integrity • An honest person, people search out Hamal for advice.
Personality • Patience and understanding are his greatest gifts.
Relationships • Take the initiative, be bold!
Travel & Leisure • Likes to share his adventures.
Career & Money • A career in law would suit Hamal.
Life’s Opportunities • Open to suggestions, his innovative spirit will lead the way.
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