Meaning of the France male name Kylian is war or strife 

Meaning of the France male name Kylian is war or strife 

Meaning of the France male name Kylian is war or strife 

Meaning of the France male name Kylian is war or strife

From the family name Kylian

Emotional Spectrum • A built-in steam valve keeps the heat down!
Personal Integrity • His honor is well-known among his friends.
Personality • He can keep his sense and nonsense separated.
Relationships • Doesn’t need much out of life but to be loved.
Travel & Leisure • Lives for the weekends!
Career & Money • The example of parents plays a major role in career choice.
Life’s Opportunities • A survivor, he will always bounce back and be ready again!

Lucky Numbers: 29 • 4 • 27 • 21 • 24 • 41

Meaning of the English female name Marne is from the Sea 

Meaning of the English female name Marne is from the Sea 

Meaning of the English female name Marne is from the Sea 

Meaning of the English female name Marne is from the Sea 

Local Origin of Name: English
From the Latin name Marina

Meaning: Of the sea, From the Sea

Emotional Spectrum • Not confrontational, prefers to accommodate.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Marne can be called on in a crisis.
Personality • A lover of life, too bad there are only 24 hours in a day!
Relationships • When it comes to friends, only ‘true blue’ need apply.
Travel & Leisure • Winter sports are attractive to Marne.
Career & Money • Work is an important part of her life.
Life’s Opportunities • The right career is the key to financial success for her.

Lucky Numbers: 21 • 36 • 9 • 44 • 47 • 7

Stein name means stone or rock


Stein, Steiner

STEIN is a Scots spelling of Stephen, which was introduced into Britain by the Normans, with whom it became a favourite personal name. The name is found in Fife, the Lothians, Ayrshire and Roxburghshire. Early records in Scotland mention Alexander Stevyn who was a tenant of Glenboy in 1472. Thomas Steuen was rentalit in land of Auchinnarne in 1506. John Steuin was a tenant of the bishop of Aberdeen in the year 1511, and Alexander Stevyn held land in Glasgow in 1549. Alan Steyn was a monk of Kilwinning Abbey in 1557. John Steyne was burgess freeman of Glasgow in 1575. The name was spelt as STEINE and STEYNE 1560, STENE 1551, STEVIN
1610 and STEWIN in 1565. This given name was originally derived from the Greek Stephanos, meaning ‘crown’. This was a popular name throughout Christendom in the Middle Ages, having been borne by the first Christian martyr, stoned to death at Jerusalem three years after the death of Christ. The variant Stiven arose in Scotland at the beginning of the 19th century. A certain John Stephen of Charleston, near Glamis Castle, began to keep a journal in 1780 under the spelling Stephen, but by the time he came to write his last entry in 1830, he was signing himself John
Stiven. Hereditary surnames were originally imported from France into England during the Norman Conquest of 1066. In the two centuries or so after the Conquest surnames were acquired by most families of major landholders, and many landed families of lesser importance. There appears to have been a constant trickle of migration into Britain between about the years 1200 and 150O, mostly from France and the Low Countries, with a small number of migrants from Scandinavia, Germany, Italy and the Iberian peninsular, and occasional individuals from further afield. During this period groups of aliens settled in this country as for example, the Germans who from the late
15th century onwards settled in Cumbria to work the metal mines. Immigration during this time had only a small effect on the body of surnames used in Britain. In many cases, the surnames of immigrants were thoroughly Anglicised.The late sixteenth century saw the arrival, mostly in London and the south-coast ports of large numbers of people fleeing from the war regions of France.

ARMS – Quarterly 1st and 4th per chevron azure and argent in chief two falcons rising or a crescent for difference of the last; 2nd and 3rd a grand quarter 1st a chevron azure between three mascles
CREST – An eagle’s head between two wings
MOTTO – – AD DIEM TENDO – I long for day
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Lourdes is a town in southern France

Local Origin of Name: French
From the French name Lourdes

Meaning: Lourdes is a town in Southern France

Emotional Spectrum • Not known to express her emotions openly.
Personal Integrity • A trusted individual by everyone.
Personality • Never spiteful, but both charming and delightful.
Relationships • Friends have often told her how much they like her.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures her.
Career & Money • A career in business management would suit Lourdes.
Life’s Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Lourdes.
” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. ”

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Dijon name means city in France

Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Dijon

Meaning: City in France

Emotional Spectrum • Not confrontational, prefers to accommodate.
Personal Integrity • His reputation is beyond reproach.
Personality • Each mind has its own method.
Relationships • When it comes to friends, only ‘true blue’ need apply.
Travel & Leisure • Vacations are a time of special excitement for Dijon.
Career & Money • He has a natural business sense, and will go far.
Life’s Opportunities • Volunteer work with charities may be rewarding for him.
” The Lord loves those who pursue righteousness. ”

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