Nehanda name means strong or powerful or brave

Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Nehanda

Meaning: Brave or Strong

Emotional Spectrum • Beneath the calm exterior…
Personal Integrity • No one is more worthy of trust.
Personality • A friendly person by nature, Nehanda has few enemies.
Relationships • Starts slowly, but a relationship with Nehanda builds over time.
Travel & Leisure • Unplanned trips can be the most fun according to Nehanda.
Career & Money • Career gains are unlimited with the right education.
Life’s Opportunities • The entrepreneur spirit in her is strong.

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Smitha name means devine smile in India



Local Origin of Name: India
From the name Smitha

Meaning: Devine smile

Emotional Spectrum • Beneath the calm exterior…
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Smitha.
Personality • Full of life and lively fun, a friend and pal to everyone.

Relationships • Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
Travel & Leisure • A lifetime of travel is her destiny.
Career & Money • With the right help, she will choose the best career.
Life’s Opportunities • Not one to pass up a chance for advancement, she will go far.

Smitha’s Lucky Numbers: 31 • 34 • 36 • 5 • 45 • 13

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Gwandoya name means met with misery in African


Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Gwandoya

Meaning: Met with Misery

Emotional Spectrum • Beneath the calm exterior…
Personal Integrity • Nothing can buy his good name.
Personality • Everybody loves a lover.
Relationships • Doesn’t need much out of life but to be loved.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures him.
Career & Money • The right job for him is within his grasp.
Life’s Opportunities • Only he holds the key to his happiness.
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Earline name means noble woman or Shield


Local Origin of Name: English, Spanish
From the English name Earl
Earlene, Earlina, Earline

Spanish name meaning is shield.
Meaning: Title of nobility and surname meaning A nobleman, a count

Emotional Spectrum • Beneath the calm exterior…
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Earlina can keep a secret.
Personality • Footloose and fancy free.
Relationships • Starts slowly, but a relationship with Earlina builds over time.
Travel & Leisure • A person who will try anything once!
Career & Money • Books hold the key to her career.
Life’s Opportunities • If money can be made, Earlina will find a way to make it!
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