Manfred name means man of peace


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Middle English name Manfred
Variant name of : Manfredo, Manfrid, Manfried, Mannfred, Mannfryd.
First and Last name.

Meaning: ‘Man-peace’ or ‘man of peace’

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, he does have his limits.
Personal Integrity • The makeup of him is moral greatness!
Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person.
Relationships • Not an ‘open book’, it takes time to become his friend.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Manfred comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Not everyone has the career opportunities of Manfred.
” God very often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow. ”
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Ynes name means pure or holy


Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Agnes

Meaning: Pure or Holy or Chaste

Emotional Spectrum • A lot of positive energy that needs to be channeled.
Personal Integrity • Nothing can buy her good name.
Personality • The world was made to enjoy, so enjoy it!
Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Yanes.
Travel & Leisure • While her career is important, her hobby takes front seat!
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Yanes comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Not a wheeler-dealer, Yanes examines business deals carefully.

” He who walks with the wise grows wise. ”

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Kamille name means noble or perfect

Local Origin of Name: French/Arabic
From the name Kamille

Meaning: Free Bron or Noble / Perfection(Arabic)

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, she does have her limits.
Personal Integrity • The makeup of her is moral greatness!
Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person.
Relationships • Not an ‘open book’, it takes time to become her friend.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Kamille comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Not everyone has the career opportunities of Kamille.

” God very often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow. ”

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Qubilah name means agreeable or consenting in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the name Qubilah

Meaning: Consenting or Agreeable

Emotional Spectrum • She is a fountain of joy for all.
Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Qubilah stands for truth and integrity.
Personality • Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
Relationships • Though not many in number, her friends are golden.
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Qubilah takes life in the fast lane.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Qubilah comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Qubilah.

“ Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”

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Qitarah name means fragrant in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the name Qitarah
First and Last Name

Meaning: Fragrant

Emotional Spectrum • A storm of emotions in a calm exterior.
Personal Integrity • You would never make a mistake placing your faith in Qitarah.
Personality • She raises your spirit from low to high.
Relationships • Starts slowly, but a relationship with Qitarah builds over time.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Qitarah comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • A go-getter, Qitarah knows what she wants.
” The house of the righteous contains great treasure. ”

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Bojek name means battle in Czech


Local Origin of Name: Czech
From the name Bojek,Bojan, Bojanek

Meaning: Battle

Emotional Spectrum • A lot of positive energy that needs to be channeled.
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Bojek.
Personality • All feel the effects of true courtesy.
Relationships • Slow to make new friends, Bojek values his old acquaintances.
Travel & Leisure • His job supports his hobby!
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Bojek comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Early childhood opportunities in education will benefit him.
” A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. ”
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Halima name means gentle or generous in African


Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Halima, Halimah

Meaning: Gentle, Generous

Emotional Spectrum • Handles a crisis well, people seek her guidance.
Personal Integrity • The decency of Halima is never questioned.
Personality • Sparkling personality.
Relationships • Not many people are as giving as Halima.
Travel & Leisure • Likes to share her adventures.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Halima comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.
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Dulani name means cutting in Africa

Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Dulani

Meaning: Cutting

Emotional Spectrum • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • No one would doubt his word.
Personality • A lover of life, too bad there are only 24 hours in a day!
Relationships • His friends will stand with him through thick and thin.
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with his friends.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Dulani comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Although shy in the spotlight, fame is destined!
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