Senet name means wise

Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Senet

Meaning: Wise

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, he does have his limits.
Personal Integrity • His good name is his most precious asset.
Personality • He can keep his sense and nonsense separated.
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge.
Career & Money • A career in medicine would suit Senet.
Life’s Opportunities • A down-to-earth attitude will serve him well.
” The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge. ”
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Felecia name means fortunate or lucky


Local Origin of Name: English/French
From the Latin name Felix
Variant name of Felix, Felicia, Felicity

Meaning: ‘Happy’, ‘fortunate’, or ‘lucky’

Emotional Spectrum • Why be sad? Life is too much fun!
Personal Integrity • Her family taught her that honesty is her best asset.
Personality • Keep smiling, it makes everyone wonder what you’ve been up to.
Relationships • Take the initiative, be bold!
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces.
Career & Money • Handling a family and a job are easy for Felicia.
Life’s Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve her well.

” Anyone with a heart full of friendship has a hard time finding enemies. ”
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Cendrillon name means little ashes


Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Cendrillon

Meaning: Little ashes

Emotional Spectrum • ‘Bounce Back’, is the key emotion here.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • Life is a bowl of cherries.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • Cendrillon knows how to relax!
Career & Money • A college education would help Cendrillon discover her dream.
Life’s Opportunities • Politics is an opportunity not to be missed by Cendrillon.

” Always be a little kinder than necessary. ”
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Ariele name means lion of God


Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Ariele

Meaning: Lion of God

Emotional Spectrum • She is a fountain of joy for all.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • Life is a bowl of cherries.
Relationships • Her friends will stand with her through thick and thin.
Travel & Leisure • While her career is important, her hobby takes front seat!
Career & Money • A born leader, she will be drawn into the limelight!
Life’s Opportunities • Destined for greatness, nothing can hold back this gifted person.
” Always be a little kinder than necessary. ”

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Edena name means pleasure and delight in Hawaiian and Hebrew



Local Origin of Name: Hawaiian, From the Hebrew name Edna

Meaning: ‘Pleasure and delight’

Emotional Spectrum • Sometimes silly but never foolish!
Personal Integrity • Parents of Edena brought her up on firm moral ground.
Personality • Her pleasant smile indicates a happy heart.

Relationships • Her best friends may not really know her .

Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures her.
Career & Money • An education is Edena’s most valuable asset.
Life’s Opportunities • The right career is the key to financial success for her.

Edena’s Lucky Numbers: 12 • 40 • 13 • 36 • 11 • 42

Cardew name means from the black fort in Celtic



Local Origin of Name:: Celtic
From the name Cardew

Meaning:  The Black fort

Emotional Spectrum • Even on a winter day, he shines through!
Personal Integrity • He has a reverence for truth.
Personality • Good nature and good sense are usually companions.
Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than he receives.
Travel & Leisure • Adventuresome in spirit, always on the move.
Career & Money • An education is Cardew’s most valuable asset.
Life’s Opportunities • Destined for greatness, nothing can hold back this gifted person.

” A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. ”

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Marid name means rebellious in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the Arabic name Marid

Meaning: ‘Rebellious’

Emotional Spectrum • A happier person you will never meet.
Personal Integrity • His family taught him that honesty is his best asset.
Personality • A penny saved is a penny earned.
Relationships • New friends are Silver, but old friends are Gold.
Travel & Leisure • Lives for the weekends!
Career & Money • The right job for him is within his grasp.
Life’s Opportunities • No stranger to hard work, his efforts will be rewarded.
” If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires. ”

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Abrienda name means opening in Spanish


Local Origin of : Spanish
From the name Abrienda
First and Last Name

Meaning: Opening

Emotional Spectrum • She is a fountain of joy for all.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person.
Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Abrienda.
Travel & Leisure • Vacations are a time of special excitement for Abrienda.
Career & Money • If money is not wasted in youth, she will handle it well as an adult.
Life’s Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.
” God very often digs wells of joy with the spade of sorrow. ”

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Takiyah name means pious or righteous in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the name Takiyah

Meaning: Pious, Righteous

Emotional Spectrum • A swirl of conflicting emotions, Takiyah, is a complicated person.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • Life is a stage.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces.
Career & Money • A career in entertainment would suit Takiyah.
Life’s Opportunities • Not taken in by scams, people will seek Takiyah’s advice.
Takiyah’s Lucky Numbers: 34 • 9 • 5 • 3 • 22 • 14

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Naeemah name means kindly or benevolent


Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Naeemah

Meaning: Kindly or benevolent or comport

Emotional Spectrum • An unusually even temperament.
Personal Integrity • His family taught him that honesty is his best asset.
Personality • Calm and poised, extremely polished.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • Likes to share his adventures.
Career & Money • A born actor, he will find Hollywood attractive!
Life’s Opportunities • Not a wheeler-dealer, Naeemah examines business deals carefully.

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