Roderick name means famous ruler


Roderich, , Roderick , Rodrigo,

Local Origin of Name: German

Variant name of : Hrœrekr, Rurik, Rorik, Rodrigo, Roderick, Rørik, Rúrik

From the Middle English  name Roderick

Meaning:   (Hrodric), ‘Famous ruler’

Emotional Spectrum .Even tempered, most of the time!

Personal Integrity .The decency of Roderich is never questioned.

Personality .His smile is contagious.
Relationships .A few close friends  are all he needs.

Travel & Leisure .Who better to travel with than Roderich?  

Career & Money .A born actor, he will find Hollywood attractive!

Life’s Opportunities .While not seeking fame, his future is in the limelight.

Roderich’s Lucky  Numbers: 6 .10 .5 .12 .41 .22

Takiyah name means pious or righteous in Arabic


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the name Takiyah

Meaning: Pious, Righteous

Emotional Spectrum • A swirl of conflicting emotions, Takiyah, is a complicated person.
Personal Integrity • Her good name is her most precious asset.
Personality • Life is a stage.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • A person well-suited to new lands and new faces.
Career & Money • A career in entertainment would suit Takiyah.
Life’s Opportunities • Not taken in by scams, people will seek Takiyah’s advice.
Takiyah’s Lucky Numbers: 34 • 9 • 5 • 3 • 22 • 14

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Mirari name means miracle in African

Local Origin of Name: Portuguese
From the name Mirari

Meaning: Miracle

Emotional Spectrum • Emotional life is mirrored in her health.
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Mirari.
Personality • A person who enjoys the present.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the ocean will emerge.
Career & Money • She has an important friend and ally in the business world.
Life’s Opportunities • If money can be made, Mirari will find a way to make it!
Mirari’s Lucky Numbers: 42 • 39 • 8 • 25 • 22 • 19

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