Percy name means valley prisoner



Local Origin of Name: English
From the Old French name Percy

Meaning ‘Valley prisoner’; surname and place name used as first name

Emotional Spectrum. A well rounded person with an even temper.
Personal Integrity. His honor is his best attribute.
Personality. Never spiteful, but both charming and delightful.
Relationships. Starts slowly, but a relationship with Percy builds over time.
Travel & Leisure. Loves to travel, and it shows!
Career & Money. A career in investments would suit Percy.
Life’s Opportunities. Not taken in by scams, people will seek Percy’s advice.

Percy’s Lucky Numbers: 7. 19. 32. 5. 22. 47

Salihah name means correct and agreeable

Local Origin of Name: African
From the name Salihah
First and last Name

Meaning: Correct or Agreeable

Emotional Spectrum • A lot of positive energy that needs to be channeled.
Personal Integrity • She would never endanger her honor.
Personality • It’s hard to soar with eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys!
Relationships • The romance department is key to her happiness.
Travel & Leisure • Her job supports her hobby!
Career & Money • Education is the key to Salihah’s career path.
Life’s Opportunities • The right career is the key to financial success for her.

Salihah’s Lucky Numbers: 1 • 51 • 41 • 19 • 8 • 2
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Mirari name means miracle in African

Local Origin of Name: Portuguese
From the name Mirari

Meaning: Miracle

Emotional Spectrum • Emotional life is mirrored in her health.
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Mirari.
Personality • A person who enjoys the present.
Relationships • The model for a best friend.
Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the ocean will emerge.
Career & Money • She has an important friend and ally in the business world.
Life’s Opportunities • If money can be made, Mirari will find a way to make it!
Mirari’s Lucky Numbers: 42 • 39 • 8 • 25 • 22 • 19

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Asier name means the beginning in Basque



Local Origin of Name: Basqie
From the name Asier

Meaning:the beginning

Emotional Spectrum • He has extraordinary coping skills.
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Asier.
Personality • He is one of those quiet people who’s talking all the time.
Relationships • It may take some time to get to know Asier.
Travel & Leisure • A unique hobby will occupy his time.
Career & Money • Should have been an actor!
Life’s Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Asier.
Asier’s Lucky Numbers: 38 • 7 • 34 • 3 • 19 • 49

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Edur name means of the snow in Basque

Local Origin of Name: Basque
From the name Edur
First and Last Name

Meaning: Of the Snow

Emotional Spectrum • Emotional life is mirrored in his health.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Edur can keep a secret.
Personality • Life is a bowl of cherries.
Relationships • His friends will stand with him through thick and thin.
Travel & Leisure • Eat, drink and be merry – play hard!
Career & Money • A born actor, he will find Hollywood attractive!
Life’s Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Edur.
Edur’s Lucky Numbers: 33 • 19 • 48 • 12 • 41 • 45
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