Martha name means lady


Local Origin of Name: English

From the Aramaic name Martha,, Marta, Marfa,Maata, Marthe,Martta, Martusak, Morta, Mirjam

Martha of Bethany  is a biblical figure described in the Gospels of Luke and John.

Variants in different languages include Maata (Maori; Marfa , Hungarian; Marta Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish; Marthe French, German; Martita Spanish; Martta Finnish; Mártuska Hungarian; Moireach Scottish Gaelic; Morta Lithuanian.)

Meaning: ‘Lady’  or ‘mistress of the house’ Luke 10:38

Emotional Spectrum .A sensible person with sensible emotions.

Personal Integrity .Her good name is her most precious asset.

Personality .Life is a bowl of cherries. Relationships .Her best friends take her as she is.

Travel & Leisure .Summer sports are attractive  to Martha.

Career & Money .A career in movies would suit Martha,  a natural  actress.

Life’s Opportunities .The entrepreneur spirit in her is strong.

Martha’s Lucky Numbers: 33 .3 .41 .38 .44 .59