Meaning of the Arabic unisex name Marwan is bright pledge or quartz 

Meaning of the Arabic unisex name Marwan is bright pledge or quartz 

Meaning of the Arabic unisex name Marwan is bright pledge or quartz 

Meaning of the Arabic unisex name Marwan is bright pledge or quartz


Local Origin of Name: Arabic
From the Arabic name Marwan

Meaning: A bright Pledge, Quartz , Unisex name

Emotional Spectrum • He is a fountain of joy for all.
Personal Integrity • Friends know that Marwan can keep a secret.
Personality • A lover of nature, Marwan will never be far from the wilderness.
Relationships • Take the initiative, be bold!
Travel & Leisure • Vacations are a time of special excitement for Marwan.
Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Marwan.
Life’s Opportunities • Hard work will pay off for this faithful employee.

Lucky Numbers: 45 • 7 • 17 • 50 • 40 • 44


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