Meaning of the English name Onslow is hill of passionate one

Meaning of the English name Onslow is hill of passionate one

Meaning of the English name Onslow is hill of passionate one

Local Origin of Name: English
From the name Onslow

Meaning: HIll of Passionate one

Emotional Spectrum • No frowns on this face!
Personal Integrity • Friends know Onslow as a trusted acquaintance.
Personality • Calm and cool as a cucumber.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Onslow.
Travel & Leisure • A lifetime of travel is his destiny.
Career & Money • Not one to ‘Keep up with the Jones’.
Life’s Opportunities • If money can be made, Onslow will find a way to make it!

Onslow’s Lucky Numbers: 9 • 35 • 20 • 39 • 32 • 41


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