Rolo name means famous wolf as Rudolph

Local Origin of Name: Hispanic
From the Middle English name Rudolph
Variant name of : Roelof, Rudolf, Ruud, Rodolfo, Rudolphus, Rodolphe
Meaning: Fame-wolf

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, he does have his limits.
Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Rolo stands for truth and integrity.
Personality • Radiates cheer from year to year.
Relationships • When it comes to friends, only ‘true blue’ need apply.
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with his friends.
Career & Money • Career choices are easy with Rolo.
Life’s Opportunities • A down-to-earth attitude will serve him well.
” Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. ”

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