Toussnint name means All Saints


Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Toussnint

Meaning: All Saints

Emotional Spectrum • He is a fountain of joy for all.
Personal Integrity • His honor is well-known among his friends.
Personality • An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness.
Relationships • Slow to make new friends, Toussnint values his old acquaintances.
Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Toussnint takes life in the fast lane.
Career & Money • If money is not wasted in youth, he will handle it well as an adult.
Life’s Opportunities • Nothing is impossible for Toussnint, given the right educational tools.

” Learning how to bear inescapable sorrow is not easily done. ”
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Tiffany name means appearance of God


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Greek name Tiffany
Variant name of Teffan, Teffania, Teffany, Tephania, Teph’na, Theffanie,
Theophanes, Theophania, Theophano, Thiphania, Tiffan,
Tiffani, Tiffania, Tiffanie, Tiffanni, Tiphaine, Tiphanie, Tiphina, Tyffayne

Meaning: ‘Theophania’ (‘appearance of God’)

Emotional Spectrum • Up front and honest
Personal Integrity • She conforms to higher standards than most!
Personality • A light heart lives long… a smile overcomes all.
Relationships • Makes friends easily, but keeps her eyes open!
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with her friends.
Career & Money • Early career moves help form this natural leader.
Life’s Opportunities • Her ambition will serve her well.
” When I am afraid, I will trust in You. ”

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Theobald name means brave people


Local Origin of Name: Theobald
From the name Thibaud

Meaning: Brave People

Emotional Spectrum • A lot of positive energy that needs to be channeled.
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Thibaud.
Personality • Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
Relationships • Makes friends easily, but keeps his eyes open!
Travel & Leisure • Vacations are a time of special excitement for Thibaud.
Career & Money • While there may be obstacles, Thibaud will overcome!
Life’s Opportunities • Educational opportunities are exceptional for Thibaud.
” Goodness is the only investment that never fails. ”
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Theon name means untamed


Local Origin of Name: Greek
From the name Theon, Theron

Meaning: Untamed

Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet…
Personal Integrity • A personal search for truth is the hallmark of Theon.
Personality • He is in love with life.
Relationships • People like Theon because of his personality.
Travel & Leisure • While his career is important, his hobby takes front seat!
Career & Money • A career in investments would suit Theon.
Life’s Opportunities • A naturally intelligent person, academia is his playground.
” Many seek an audience with a ruler, but from the Lord man gets justice. ”

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Telfer name means work with Iron

The surname of TELFER was derived from the Old French TAILLEFER. This surname seems to have originated in the Lowlands and has worked its way across the border into Northumberland. Local names usually denoted where a man held his land, and indicated where he actually lived. Local surnames, by far the largest group, derived from a place name where the man held land or from the place from which he had come, or where he actually lived. These local surnames were originally preceded by a preposition such as “de”, “atte”, “by” or “in”. The names may derive from a manor held, from working in a religious dwelling or from literally living by a wood or marsh or by a stream. Early records of the name mention Laurence Talliefere, a Scottish merchant who was granted a safe conduct into England in 1464. Thomas Tailyefeir was burgess of Stirling in 1476. The most famous of the name was probably Thomas Telford (1757-1834), Scottish civil engineer, designer of numerous roads and bridges (notably the Menai Bridge) and the Caledonian Canal. The name is also spelt Telford. The associated arms are recorded in Sir Bernard Burkes General Armory. Ulster King of Arms in 1884. The origin of badges and emblems, are traced to the earliest times, although, Heraldry, in fact, cannot be traced later than the 12th century, or at furthest the
11th century. At first armorial bearings were probably like surnames and assumed by each warrior at his free will and pleasure, his object being to distinguish himself from others. It has long been a matter of doubt when bearing Coats of Arms first became hereditary. It is known that in the reign of Henry V (1413-1422), a proclamation was issued, prohibiting the use of heraldic ensigns to all who could not show an original and valid right, except those ‘who had borne arms at Agincourt’. The College of Arms (founded in 1483) is the Royal corporation of heralds who record proved
pedigrees and grant armorial bearings. Over the centuries, most people in Europe have accepted their surname as a fact of life, as irrevocable as an act of God. However much the individual may have liked or disliked the surname, they were stuck with it, and people rarely changed them by personal choice. A more common form of variation was in fact involuntary, when an official change was made, in other words, a clerical error.

ARMS – Gules a chevron ermine between two mullets argent
CREST – In a ducal coronet or a tree vert
MOTTO – – LOYAL AU MORT Loyal to death

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Taylor name means tailor- Occupational name


Local Origin of Name: English
From the Old Swiss name Taylor

Meaning: Occupational surname. Used for First name also

Emotional Spectrum • A well rounded person with an even temper.
Personal Integrity • His reputation for truth is well-known.
Personality • Calm and cool as a cucumber.
Relationships • It may take some time to get to know Taylor.
Travel & Leisure • The intrigue of foreign travel lures him.
Career & Money • Investments made early keep Taylor comfortable in the golden years.
Life’s Opportunities • Open to suggestions, his innovative spirit will lead the way.
” Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. ”
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Tavin name means royal stuff


Local Origin of Name: Scottish/Irish/French
From the name Tavin

Meaning: Twin(Scottish), Hillside(Irish-teeve), Royal Stuff(French)

Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, he does have his limits.
Personal Integrity • He will fight for his good name.
Personality • Nothing is rarer than a good nature.
Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends.
Travel & Leisure • Can be packed and ready on a moment’s notice!
Career & Money • Tavin knows how to balance career and family.
Life’s Opportunities • His ambition will serve him well.

” Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you and watch over you. ”

Tallis name means woodland


Local Origin of Name: French
From the name Tallis

Meaning: Woodland

Emotional Spectrum • He can put on a good show and rise to the occasion.
Personal Integrity • Tallis is the height of respectability.
Personality • Modern Maverick.
Relationships • Starts slowly, but a relationship with Tallis builds over time.
Travel & Leisure • A trip of a lifetime is in his future.
Career & Money • With the right help, he will choose the best career.
Life’s Opportunities • An abundant and happy life blesses this gifted person.
” All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart. ”
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Talbot name means messenger of destruction



This surname TALBOT was the name of an English family, descended from Richard de Talbot, named in the Domesday Book, and from Gilbert (died 1346) the first baron. The Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot is the premier earl on the Rolls of England and Ireland, and hereditary lord steward of Ireland. The Lords Talbot de Malahide represent a family in Ireland which settled there
in 1167. Surnames as we know them today were first assumed in Europe from the 11th to the 15th Century. They were not in use in England or in Scotland before the Norman Conquest, and were first found in the Domesday Book. The employment in the use of a second name was a custom
that was first introduced from the Normans. They themselves had not long before adopted them. It became, in course of time, a mark of gentler blood, and it was deemed a disgrace for gentlemen to have but one single name, as the meaner sort had. It was not until the reign of Edward II (1307-
1327) it became general practice amongst all people. It was a baptismal name ‘the son of Talbut or Talbott’. The name was brought into England in the wake of the Norman Conquest of 1066. Early records of the name mention Richard Talebot, listed as a tenant in the Domesday Book of
1086. Ricardus Talebot was documented during the reign of Henry II (1154-1180). Talebot de Hadfield, ibid. Willelmus Talbot of Yorkshire was listed in the Yorkshire Poll Tax of 1379. John Hedlea married Susanna Talbott at Westminster, London in the year of 1580. The name also applied to one with a Normandy accent, a bandit, one who blacked their faces (a lampblack) to avoid recognition. At first the coat of arms was a practical matter which served a function on the battlefield and in tournaments. With his helmet covering his face, and armour encasing the knight from head to foot, the only means of identification for his followers, was the insignia painted on his shield and embroidered on his surcoat, the flowing and draped garment worn over the armour. The associated arms are recorded in Sir Bernard Burkes General Armory. Ulster King of Arms in 1884

ARMS – Argent three fleur de lis gules two and one between a semee of crosss crosslets fitchee gules
CREST – A talbot passant argent collared and chained proper
MOTTO – – DIEU EST MON AIDE God is my help

Somer name means born in Summer


Local Origin of Name: French
From the name of : Summer

Meaning: Born in Summer

Emotional Spectrum • An unusually even temperament.
Personal Integrity • His integrity is his most precious possession.
Personality • A light heart lives long… a smile overcomes all.
Relationships • Few people could have a better friend than Somer.
Travel & Leisure • He will find it hard to wind-down on vacation.
Career & Money • A born leader, he will be drawn into the limelight!
Life’s Opportunities • College is crucial to his success, more so than others!

” When I am afraid, I will trust in You. ”

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