India or Hindu Girl’s popular name start S1


Name •  Meaning
Sai Natural; Everywhere; God
Sha Natural; Form of Shakshi
Sia Moving; Help; Light; Glow
Sim Limit
Sri Radiance; Diffusing Light
Sun The Sun
Sur Fluency as in Singing
Saar Conclusion
Saba Early Morning Breeze; Zephyr; Morning; A Gentle Breeze; From Sheba; The Queen of Sheba is Mentioned in the Old Testament as Having been Hugely Rich and Very Ostentatious; Daughter of the Oath; Fresh Air
Saci Humanity
Sada Always; Form of Sarah; Princess
Saee Female Friend
Safa Clarity; Purity; Serenity; Innocent; Purity of Mind
Saha Enduring; Mighty
Sain tell us about your name meaning
Sama Weather; Of a Peaceful Nature; Similarity; A Year
Sana Prayer; Resplendence; Brilliance; Mountain Top; Brightness; Radiance; Lasting Long; Old; To Gaze; Look; Loud
Sani Gift
Sara Pure; Lady; Excellent; Form of Sarah; Queen; Abraham’s Wife; Priceless; Inestimable; Solid; Precious; Best
Saru Garland of Lotuses
Sasi River Sharayu; An Apsara; Moon
Sati Chaste Woman
Savi Lakshmi; Sun
Saya Close of Day
Sera Wife of Abraham; Princess
Seri The Hokan Language of the Seri
Setu Sacred Symbol
Seva Worship
Seya Shadow
Shal Mountain
Shri Lustre
Sihi Sweet
Sila Achievement; Home Sick; Old
Sima Limit; Border; Listener; Precious Thing; Treasure; Boundary; Bank; Shore
Simi Limit
Sini Blue
Siri Diamond; Gold; Platinum; Goddess Saraswati; Goddess Lakshmi; Wealth; God’s Gift of Love
Sita Wife of Lord Rama
Siva Auspicious Power
Siya Sita
Sneh Love
Soha A Star; Princess
Soma Moon-rays; Somras; A Type of Wine
Sona Gold
Soni Beautiful; Pretty
Sonu Gold; Loving
Soow Grateful
Sova One’s Own
Sras God of Study; Saraswati
Sree Radiance; Prosperity; Goddess Lakshmi
Suba Morning
Subi Special Person of All Beings
Such Pure
Suha Name of a Star; Rejoicing; A Raga
Suji Love
Suki Beloved
Suma Born During the Summer; Beautiful Line; To Ask; Good Mother; Flower
Sumi Good
Sunu Sweet Little Lady
Supu Love
Suri Little Princess; Red Rose; Consort of the Sun; Another Name for Kunti
Suta Begotten
Syna Princess
Syun A Ray
Saach True
Saavi Sun
Saaya Shadow
Sabia Beautiful; 7th Sky in Arabic; Pretty Woman; Sabine Woman
Sabri Lord Ram’s Devotees
Sachi Wife of Lord Indra; Child of Joy
Sachu True
Sadaf Pearl; Sea Shell; Lord Ram’s Devotees; Oyster
Sadan tell us about your name meaning
Sadia Lucky
Safia Chaste; Lion’s Share; Pure; Best Friend; Untroubled
Sagan Steadfast
Sagun Auspicious
Sahaj Female Friend
Sahej Peaceful; Easy
Sahen Friend
Saher Morning; Subha
Sahja Natural
Sahla Smooth; Soft; Fluent; Flowing Style; Soft (ground)
Sahna Form; Figure; Complexion
Sahoj Strong
Sahya A Name of a Mountain in India
Saija Princess
Saila Dwelling in the Mountains
Saili Carved in Rock; Style; Custom
Sailu tell us about your name meaning
Saima Mother of Flowers; Lightening; Fasting Woman
Saina Princess
Saini Brave Caste of East Haryana; Fasting Woman
Saira Happy; Beautiful; Traveller; A Bird
Saiya tell us about your name meaning
Sajel River Water
Sajni Beloved
Sakat Power
Saket Lord Krishna
Sakhi Friend
Sakti Energy; Goodness; Power
Sakya Possible
Salma Layer; Peaceful; Safe; Whole; To be Safe; Beautiful Woman; Sweetheart
Salwa Quail; Solace; Consolation; Comfort
Samah Beautiful Sky; Generosity
Samai Forbearance
Samar Conversations at Night; Evening Conversations
Samay Time
Samba Peace
Samit Collected
Samma Beautiful Sky
Samta Equality
Sanah Skillful; Radiance; Elegance; Brilliant; Praise
Sanam Beloved; When Water on Flower Dries Up; Idol
Sanch Truth; Righteous
Sania Happy
Sanju Sweet
Santi Saint; Tranquility; Peace
Santu Kind and Beautiful Girl
Sanvi Beauty; Goddess Laxmi
Sanya First Light of Sun; Beneficent; Fortunate; Splendid; Radiant; Born on Saturday
Sapan Dream
Sapna Dream
Sarah Princess; Lady; Woman of High Rank; Pure; Happy
Sarit River
Sarju New Develope
Sarla Straight Forward
Sarna Protected
Saroj Lotus
Sarva While; Complete; Perfect-
Saryu River Sharayu
Sasha Defending Men; Feminine of Alexander; Defender and Helper of Mankind
Sashi Moon
Sasya Grain
Satej Soft
Satha Dishonest
Satta Pure Being or Existence
Satvi Existence
Satya Truth
Sauli Shadow
Saura Celestial
Sauri The Sun
Savya Perfect
Sawda Proper Name; Black
Sayee Friend
Sayli Sweat
Sazia Angry
Seela Mountain
Seema Limit; Border; Face; Symbol; Precious Thing; Treasure
Seena A River
Seeta Lord Ram’s Wife
Sehaj Patience; State of Peace and Balance; Tranquility
Sejal River Water; Pure Water
Selma Fair; Protected by God; God’s Helmet; Safe; Will Helmet; God’s Protection; Divinely Protected; Sacrifice; Well Spoken; Helmet of God
Selvi Happy Prosperous Daughter
Sesha Serpent who Symbolises Time
Sethu Bridge; Name of a Mountain in Bhagavatham
Shabu Calm; Dewdrop; Snowdrop; Peace; Lovely; Friendly
Shada Star of God
Shadi Bird; Love; Older Sister; Happiness
Shafu Beautiful; Intelligent
Shail Mountain
Shaka Name of a Month in Hindu Calander
Shama A Flame; Silk-cotton Tree
Shami Leaves Offered to Ganesha; Cold
Shanu Dark
Shari Arrow
Sheen Brightness; Snow
Sheil tell us about your name meaning
Sheva Goddess Parvati
Shifa Friend; Truthful; Healing
Shifu Teacher
Shika Deer
Shiku Basket
Shila Rock
Shima Limit; Border; Mother
Shina Virtue; Good
Shini To Shine Among All
Shiny Bright
Shiri Song of My Soul; Bright Meadow
Shiva Goddess Parvati; God Shiv
Shivi Name of a Great King in Hindu Mythology
Shiya Bright
Shoba Beauty
Shoma A Tributary of River Ganga
Shona A Tributary of Ganga; Gold
Shoni One of Complexion of Red Lotus
Shree Goddess Lakshmi
Shril Lustrious
Shuki Bright; Quick-witted
Shyla Blind; Daughter of the Mountain; Goddess Parvati
Shyma Sister if Prophet Mohammed
Siana Wise
Siara Pure; Holy
Sidhi In Worship
Sifat God’s Praise; Virtue
Sihag Sword

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